access_alarm 1397/05/11

Justice in Imam Ali (pbuh)’s social behavior

Justice of Imam Mahdi (mgehr) is along the justice of king of eloquence, his majesty [Imam Ali (pbuh)]


Justice in Imam Ali (pbuh)’s social behavior

To apologize pedestrians:


Once, his majesty Amīr al-Mu’minīn (pbuh) was riding somewhere.

And a crowd of people of Kūfah was accompanying him on foot, to show their respect.

Imam (pbuh) turned to them and asked,

“How come you go on foot?!”

They answered, “We [just] like to follow you.”

Amīr al-Mu’minīn Ali (pbuh) stated,

“Come back! If pedestrians follow riders, it causes the pedestrians feel humiliated and ashamed.

And also makes the riders proud and ill- mannered.



Ali and human rights, V.1, P.77

George Jordac, I. J. “Nahj al-Balāghah”, Wisdom 322

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