access_alarm 1396/09/08

Some important questions


(The People who look forward to the Emergence would better to read the text)

What happened in the west of Iran, on the threshold of the short occultation era?

And what happened in Sāmarrā and what was the end?

What areas were under the influence of the enemies, and what were they doing?

At what intellectual, political and social levels were the Shiites?

Whose betrayal were recorded in the history?

How was the region in the short occultation era?

What was the main reason of exiling Imam Askari (pbuh) to Samira?

How had the organization of Imam Mahdi (hgr)’s agents expanded?

Who were the most important agents and what had they done?


And what do you know about the special Nuwwāb [the Four Deputies] and their destinies?


Be with us to get the answers for all these questions…

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