access_alarm 1394/12/07

The guide for the life path; shining stars…

The guide for the life path; shining stars
Jaabir1 said that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h) had stated some sentences after morning  prayer. The prophet stated”

God created us and considered us as stars

It means whoever was deprived of the sun, had better turn to the moon

And if deprived of the moon, had better turn to The Polaris!”

Jaabir asked, ”O, the messenger of Allah! Who is the sun?”


The prophet (pbuh&h) stated,”
I am the sun. Whenever I am hidden, turn to the moon.”

Jaabir asked,” Who is the moon?”

The prophet (pbuh&h) stated:


He is my brother2[ imam Ali( pbuh)], Successor, the dominant for Islam, my children’s father3 and the caliph; chosen by me for my Ahl al Bayt4( pbu th)

And also those 2 polar stars are my” Hassan and Hussain( pbu th)”.

Then he paused and stated: now you know them, but

Fatima( pbuh) is the star” Venus” among Ahl. Al Bayt( pbu th).

All of them live based on  holy Quran, and they are considered as a unit. Finally we will get together around Kawthar5.


Amali-e-Toosi, Bihar al- Anwar, vol. 24, p. 75, the narration 11


۱- Jaabir Ibn Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr ibn Haram al-Ansari was a prominent companion of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h).

۲- Imam Ali( pbuh) was so close and trustable that the prophet( pbuh&h) thought of him as a brother.

۳- Children’s father means a person who deserves to be as a father.

۴- They are successors of prophet Muhammad ( pbuh&h) and consist of:

The prophet( pbuh&h), his eminent son-in-law; imam Ali( pbuh),his dignified daughter;  the majesty Fatima( pbuh) and  her 2 eminent sons; imam Hassan and imam Hussein(pbu th).

۵- The Heavenly Pond of Kawthar is in heaven that the majesty Fatima( pbuh)is the owner of it.