A Strange Distortion and Deletion!

It has been about one thousand and two hundred years that, the book Sunan Abī Dāwūd was compiled.

And for many years, there has been a part named” Kitāb al-Mahdī’” in the fourth chapter of this book.

So all the people who have quoted contents from that part, would refer to the same [Kitāb al-Mahdī]…

But unfortunately when the book Sunan Abī Dāwūd was reprinted in 1408 (AH) in Egypt

Issues about Imam Mahdi (mgehr[1]) in Sunni Sources

Perhaps a lot of Shias and Sunnis do not know, how many various issues in Sunni sources have been about Imam Mahdi (mgehr) and his emergence. [Here are] some examples:

۱۲ caliphs after the Prophet (pbuh&h); they are as many as the chiefs of Israelites.[2]

۲-    Rightfulness of a man from Quraysh; named “Mahdi (mgehr)”


Dajjāl literally means “to rub oil on something” or “to turn on something that is internally worthless”.

And it is so- called “a very liar, hypocrite, and deceitful person”.

Dajjāl is mentioned very brief and succinct, in Shia sources and there are just a few narrations about him.

Khasf al-Baydā’

Baydā’ is the name of a land between Mecca and Madinah.

It is one of the signs of Imam Mahdi (hgr)’s emergence,

which has been raised in both Shia and Sunni authentic books.

In several Shia narrations, this sign has been counted as one of the “certain and definite signs of the Emergence”…

Black flags

[Fluttering black flags], is of other signs of the Last Era or the Emergence time.

It was mentioned in Shia and Sunni Narrations, [Yet, it is not from the imminent signs.]

[Those are] the flags to support and guide [people] to the path of Imam Mahdi (hgr),

which will be raised from Khorasan.

 The Emergence time in Sunnis References

Epiphany [here it refers to what Muslims believe about the emergence and manifestation of his majesty Jesus (pbuh)]:

Abū Hurayrah has quoted from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh &h):

How will you be [will you have been morally prepared], when Maryam (pbuh)’s son descends among you?

Death of ignorance in Sunnis’ narrations

On page 13 of the second volume of the book “Sahih Bukhāri” it reads:

The Holy Prophet stated, “Whoever goes out of their ruler’s reign of a governor [even] one span[1], s/ he dies of ignorance!”

Right! Even if we leave ” The Battle of Jamal [camel]”[2] in which Talhah, Zubayr, and ‘Ā’ishah ‘s went out of Ali ibn- Abitālib (pbuh)’s reign more than one span, there remains two questions…

Of the Prophet (pbuh&h)’s Ahl al-Bayt [household]. . .

Abu Dāwood is one of the Sunni scholars and elders.

In the introduction of the book “Sunnah Abu Dāwood” Ibrahim ibn Ishaq Al-Harbi wrote: The knowledge of the hadith for Abu Dāwood was as same as Iron in Prophet David (pbuh)’s hands [means Abu Dāwood was completely fluent in Hadith].

 True Sunnis

Allama Manāwy [a Sunni scholar] wrote:

In the Hadith of Thaqalayn, it has been not only mentioned but stipulated that;

the Book of God [Qur’an]and the Prophet (pbuh&h)’s Itrat [his family] are the very twins.

[The ones] that the Prophet (pbuh&h) advised his Ummah about them,

Qur’an, without you [Imam Mahdi (hgr)]?! Would it be??1

In the book “Sunan of Termethy” [one of authentic books of Sunnis], it reads:

In Hajjat-ol-Vida’e [the last Hajj], Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h) has stated:

I have left among you two things you will never go astray as long as you hold fast to them:

[They are] God’s holy writ [Qur’an] that is [like] a string hanging from heaven to the earth, and my Household and family.