access_alarm 1397/06/28

Is Dajjāl a person or a movement?

The Martyr Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣadr wrote in his valuable book:

“Dajjāl is a specified culture, civilization and ideology which is the enemy of Islam.”

He believed Western materialistic culture and civilization, is the very Dajjāl in narrations.

And he introduced Dajjāl, as a symbol and allusion of anti- material and anti-Islamic movements.

In his book “The global governance of Imam Mahdi (hgr)”, Ayatollāh Makārim Shīrāzī wrote:


“According to the whole narrations about Dajjāl, one can conclude that the word refers to flow of thinking, not a specific person.”

[However], some researchers and scholars such as the late Dwānī believed that “Dajjāl is a specific person.”

Although each of them brought up some reasons,

The first view is further strengthened, through accuracy and full attention in narrations,



Mahdīsm in Ṣiḥāḥ Sittah, P.151-153


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