The most valuable organ of a human is his/her heart,

Mind seeks for the Imam (mgehr) [tries to love him through ration]. But the one that welcomes the Imam is heart. 

Knowledge is source of affection.

affection originate from? [It originates] from knowledge. [So], where does

When someone loves another, you can be sure the lover has experienced beauty, perfection, and goodness

, in his /her beloved’s appearance, mind, soul, action, and behavior.

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Mahdī (mgehr)’s Justice means…

 And one of the greatest similarities I can create with Imam Zaman (mgehr), is to be equipped with the Mahdī (mgehr)’s justice.

And Mahdī (mgehr)’s justice means, to prioritize everything. [For example] to pray, sleep and have food all in their proper times.

It [also] means I must step in a path that is all about light. And I must never wrong myself; as oppression is contrary to justice.

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hearts are empty of faith and light of knowledge.

Whoever has always Imam Zaman (mgehr) in their mind, won’t be willing to commit sin.

Ayatollah Bahjat (rah):

[These days, some people’s] hearts are empty of faith and light of knowledge.

[Try] to find hearts alive with faith and remembrance of God.

Then I will give my words, that Imam Zaman (mgehr) is present there [the people with those hearts, may have the chance of visiting the Imam (mgehr)].

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What is the role of the Imam (mgehr)??

Is he a mediator [to fulfill our wishes and] to gift us bread [livelihood], wives and children??

These can be fulfilled via other mediators too!

He [the imam (mgehr)] is a medium for reaching, being directed and moving [toward God].

We are expected to request him the direction.

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Why love?

By bringing up love, heart attraction; enthusiasm and tendency as powerful levers, [we] can introduce and lead [people] to know Imam Zaman (mgehr).

[It is] the lever which will create lasting motifs.

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