access_alarm 1397/04/02

The supreme leader [of Iran]’s complaint from cultural administrators

I expect cultural administrators more than this!

I don’t expect to have such a cultural condition in our country,

that a person can act such an insolence  heedlessness against Imam Mahdī (mgehr).

Every Friday pay attention and see,


several hundred thousand or several million people recite Nudbah1 prayer, across the country. And the youths shed tears.

Look, what people do in Mid-Sha’ban!

Something goes wrong,

when in the cultural condition of our country someone has dared or neglected to insult Imam Mahdī (mgehr)or such an important belief!

I ask and expect the current officials of cultural Affairs,

to reconsider and see seriously, what wrong is with them?



Friday sermons in Tehran, (1/10/1999)


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