access_alarm 1396/09/19

 True Sunnis


Allama Manāwy [a Sunni scholar] wrote:


In the Hadith of Thaqalayn, it has been not only mentioned but stipulated that;

the Book of God [Qur’an]and the Prophet (pbuh&h)’s Itrat [his family] are the very twins.

[The ones] that the Prophet (pbuh&h) advised his Ummah about them,

and introduced them as guides after him.

Therefore, they both must be resorted to in religion.” [Feyz al-Ghadir, V.2, P.174]


Do you know [the word] ” Thaqalayn ” is from the root “Thaql” and means the luggage or every valuable thing that needs protection and maintenance?!

Why do you think were the Book of God and the Itrat called “Theqlain”?!


أینَ الخِیَرَةُ بَعدَ الخِیَرَةُ…

Where is the best chosen one [Imam Mahdi (hgr)], after the best chosen [the Prophet (pbuh&h)]?!


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