Have you ever known!!

Have you ever known that one of the Jewish prayers which is read in their triple prayers (the prayers, read in the morning, afternoon and night and has more than 18 sentences) is specifically about hurrying the Misha’s emergence?

The world in the Emergence era to Judaism

God illuminates the world with his light. [۱]

Even if someone is sick, Divine nature commands the sun to heal them. [۲]

[God] flows running water from Jerusalem, and every disease gets healed through it … [3]

He also forces trees to bring fruit every months. And when people eat them, they get healed.

God’s emphasis on the savior’s emergence

In one of the conferences (February 1885) about” Mahdi Motmamedi’s emergence!” which was hold Darmesterer said:

Do you know how Muhammad (pbuh&h) brought his doctrine [Islam]?

When he emerged, there had been three foreign doctrines in Saudi Arabia plus Ancient national polytheists

[They were:] Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and …

Seeking the Savior in other doctrines

Apart from: Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism and also, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there are other doctrines which confirm “The Savior”. They are as: Confucianism, Daoism [Taoism], Manichaeism, etc.

Is this thirst fake?! [The thirst to peace and justice]

While there are many differences in people and nation’s ways of thoughts and customs,

they are unexceptionally fond of these two: Love for peace and love for justice.

Hasn’t it always been the case that, our thirst means there is somewhere water?!

He [Imam Mahdi (hgr)] comes [emerges]

The notion “savior”, has been mentioned in all the doctrines: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Redskin doctrines, African doctrines and …

They all have their own special characteristics.

But they all, try to respond to an inner desire of humans.

Looking forward to “the savior” among Redskins

This belief is widespread among Redskin tribes, that

One day, Redskins’ savior will emerge,

And lead them to the heaven on the Earth [I_ just guess_ it was probably Aden]…

Just before 1890 (about 120 years ago),